
Statistics shows that due to many reasons, up to 40% of software development projects fail or exceed either their budget, or deadline, or both.

If the flow of your software development project does not satisfy you, and if it cannot be finished within the agreed budget or with sufficient quality, we offer our project rescue services.

In most of the cases you have two choices: either attempt to rescue the project and achieve your goals or cancel it and lose your investments.

While rescuing the project, we achieve the following goals:

 Ensure that a project can be finished with minimal additional costs or time expended.
 Make project flow and its status transparent for you.
 Increase quality of the deliverables.
 Eliminate problems that lead to delays and other project problems.

We have developed the methodology that brings projects back to their budget and time frames. Typically, a small team of our technical and process specialists come to a place and investigate the situation. Then they present non-biased professional evaluation of the situation and offer possibilities of project rescue.

This unique service will help you to attain success instead of failure.

Every software development project is unique and a set of various reasons may lead to its illness or death. Contact us to discuss your situation. It is free and has no obligations.